​Bookings open for new customer service training courses in Cornwall

Cornish businesses looking for high-quality customer service training for employees can now book spaces on new and affordable workshops in the county, with the launch of a new training provider.

Bookings are now open for customer service training courses from Marbell – a new Cornish training company on a mission to help local businesses deliver excellence when dealing with customers.

Run by Mark Webb - a trainer with over 10 years’ experience - the training company offers a range of workshops and courses, working with employees to ensure they feel confident in dealing with customers across a range of situations and conversations.

Marbell’s first workshop of 2022 – Providing Excellent Customer Service - takes place on Tuesday 25 January at Pool Innovation Centre, from 9am – 12.30pm. The workshop will upskill customer facing staff and provide a networking opportunity for all attendees.

Mark Webb, managing director of Marbell, said: “After a bumper year for visitor numbers to the county – as well as an ongoing staff recruitment crisis – many businesses will be reflecting now on how best to prepare their employees for the year ahead.

“High quality customer service workshops for staff – both seasonal and permanent – can prove challenging to find in the South West, and organisations do not always have budgets to send their teams out of county. My company can help to provide excellent customer service training that’s affordable to Cornish businesses.”

Businesses can now book places on Marbell’s first workshop of 2022, and a place on the workshop costs £89 per person:

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Tuesday 25 January 2022

9am to 12.30pm

Pool Innovation Centre


Marbell’s menu of workshops includes:

  • Providing Excellent Customer Service

  • Dealing With Difficult Situations

  • Complaint Handling

  • Clear and Effective Communication

  • Improving your Writing for Business

The company also offers flexible delivery methods – in addition to Marbell’s regular events programme of shared workshops, bespoke workshops can be delivered at your business location, giving organisations the chance to train multiple members of their team in an affordable and convenient way.

Further shared workshop dates will be announced soon at various locations around Cornwall, giving attendees a chance to benefit from quality training whilst networking with colleagues from other companies.

Cornish businesses who’d like to discuss their training needs and find out more about booking bespoke on-site training can email mark@marbell.uk or visit www.marbell.uk for further information.


About Marbell

Marbell is a Cornish training company making sure you stand out from the crowd. We offer training and workshops designed to give you and your staff the confidence you need to provide the best service to your customers.

Marbell offers flexible delivery options for all training courses and workshops. We can deliver programmes in-house at your site, or you can book onto one of our regular workshops held at a variety of Cornish locations throughout the year.

Our mission is to get your team comfortable in dealing with your customers. We cover all customer-facing channels – in person, on the phone, emails and letters, reports and social media.

Launched in 2021 by Mark Webb, more information can be found at www.marbell.uk


Lauren Webb