Semrush identify key social media trends for 2024

Semrush has released their 2024 report on the future of social media, giving their insights into the trends we can expect for this year. The Amercian SaaS company consulted with social media specialists, marketing gurus, and top industry insiders to compile a report on the social media trends expected to dominate the coming months.

They identified five key insights that will shape the future social media landscape. From the rise of content creators to the arrival of AI, these will have a significant impact on the way brands engage with their audiences in the years to come.

Boost social rank with authenticity

  • Authenticity is key in shaping audience perception and plays an important role in achieving long-term success on social media. Authenticity means sharing real stories, engaging in meaningful conversations, and showcasing the human side of your brand.

  • It allows you to build a solid emotional connection with your followers, which leads to increased engagement, brand advocacy, and business growth. By sharing raw, unfiltered content, you can create that genuine connection with your audience. Embrace transparency and honesty to thrive in 2024.

  • In 2024, consumers will engage more deeply with User-Generated Content (UGC) than high-production content. UGC feels more authentic and trustworthy to them. In short, social media audiences will start just listening to real people. Consumers don't want a brand to explain what it does; they want people, customers like them, to talk about it.

  • Building enduring partnerships between companies and content creators who excel at storytelling while looking natural and authentic is key. Brands have to hire individuals who are skilled in social media communication, have a knack for storytelling, and are charming onscreen. These freelancers or employees will serve as brand ambassadors to help bridge the gap between the brand and its customers. They will influence purchase decisions, activating social selling and making them an incredibly valuable asset for any company

The era of content creator stardom

Social media managers are already prioritizing the quality of the content over the number of followers an individual has. Authenticity is a crucial value for social media engagement, and storytelling is the most important skill that is considered—alongside alignment with the brand's values and tone of voice.

Content creators will get more proactive in contacting brands and building stronger connections with them. Instead of simply promoting content, they will take on the role of brand ambassadors or evangelists in the longer-term relationship. Audiences will perceive this as more honest and real than the occasional promo posts.

Brands, on the other hand, will continue to look for diverse personalities to hire as content collaborators or as part of their own Marketing team.

↪ Choose creators who look, talk, and live like your ideal customers

↪ Let them create their content with freedom

↪ Establish lasting relationships with different creators

↪ Invest in social media listening tools

↪ Localize and share UGC content

Viewing AI as a revolutionary tool to assist marketers

AI has arrived to help and support marketers to optimize their workloads, not to replace them. Here's why:

↪ Creativity and Strategy: AI cannot think creatively and develop unique marketing ideas.

↪ Emotional Intelligence: AI struggles with understanding emotions and context.

↪ Human Touch: Customers appreciate the human touch in marketing interactions.

↪ Adaptability and Insight: AI can assist in data analysis, but human marketers possess the expertise and intuition to interpret insights.

By combining their strengths with AI, marketers can enhance their productivity, creativity, and overall marketing effectiveness.

Keep up with the launch of AI apps. Staying informed of the possibilities of AI tools could be a timesaver and a giant step in your strategy optimization. Experiment with AI daily!

Utilize AI tools to automate routine tasks such as scheduling posts and monitoring social media metrics. Use generative AI to generate copy for your social media content, but ensure the result aligns with your brand voice.

And don´t forget the data! AI can help analyse user behaviour and preferences to deliver personalized content to your audience and record their activity. Explore with authenticity.

While AI can enhance your social media strategy, it is still essential to maintain a human touch and oversee the process. Regularly review and adapt your social media strategy based on the insights generated by AI, combined with the expertise and intuition of your human marketing team.

Tiktok and LinkedIn to rule in 2024

TikTok and LinkedIn will dominate the social media landscape in 2024, thanks to their engagement capacity and evolving abilities.

But that’s not all. The disruptive rise of Threads could change the current social media landscape, backed up by Meta, its parent company. While YouTube will continue its road to adapting to new video formats and AI integration, X will create a big buzz with surprising new features.

The competition for social media success will be fierce and challenging.

  • TikTok continues its upward trajectory on the global popularity podium, having the highest user engagement and retention figures. The network has proved to be a fantastic tool for those brands that know how to use it. It also ranks at the top of the short video format, which is the ultimate goal on any platform.

  • 2024 will be the moment for B2B companies to use their CEOs and C-Levels to take centre stage in social media communications on LinkedIn. Their profiles will overshadow company profiles following the demand from audiences for brand humanization. Companies will encourage CEOs and thought leaders to establish a presence on the platform to create more direct engagement between top executives and potential business partners or clients. This unique feature not only enhances transparency but also grows trust among users. LinkedIn will cement itself as the unrivalled platform for professional networking in the years ahead.

Experiment with metrics and win

From 2024, A/B testing will be frequently used in social media as well. Brands might follow the 20/80 rule in investment between experimental strategies and actions that they predict will work well, thanks to previous campaign results.

  • A/B Testing 20/80 rule.

    Dedicate a portion of your budget to testing new approaches and trends. Around 20% for new explorations and 80% for proven strategies is a good balance. Testing helps you uncover what resonates and provides valuable insights

  • Grow your shares.

    Authentic content creates a natural effect on audiences for commenting and participating in discussions, which is key for a great connection between them and brands.

  • Boost reach with video.

    Include video content in your strategy, aiming for shares and comments.

  • Engagement comes with empathy.

    Investing in UGC that connects with your audience will be essential for your strategy's success.

Read the full report by downloading it below. Full credit for all findings in this article (and copywriting) goes to the Semrush team, who have provided a brilliant report filled with essential guidance for anyone delivering on social media marketing for their organisation or client.

Semrush Social gives you numerous tools to create your strategy and make your social media routine easier. These tools help assist the workflow of anyone who manages social media. The tools allow you to create and schedule posts, monitor their performance, benchmark your progress against competitors, and communicate with users more efficiently.

Lauren Webb