Cornish feminist theatre company celebrates great sex in an age of terrible porn

Renowned feminist theatre company Scary Little Girls are celebrating the power of great sex in a world filled with terrible porn this spring with a revival of their acclaimed Edinburgh show The Riot Showgrrrls Club.

The Riot Showgrrrls Club will be taking over venues across Cornwall from 24-31 May in an extravaganza of cabaret fun, using humour, songs and storytelling to take a look at how we are faring in these days of hyper-social media and Pornhub. 

Appearing at venues in Penzance, Helston, Newquay, Liskeard, Penryn and Redruth, this is a cabaret show and much more - encouraging conversation about how actual sex is much better than porn.

Originally commissioned in 2008 Scary Little Girls took a pro-sex anti-porn show to Edinburgh at a time when lad mags were in their heyday, cabaret meant females stripping and free porn was becoming mainstream.

Now in 2024, host Rebecca Mordan will compere an entertaining evening of games, comedy, and songs to look at how we feel about things in the modern age. 

After the show, guests will stay in the club to listen to the women-only DJ set, make their own Riot Showgrrrls Club membership card or brooch with our Radical Craftivist, have a few drinks and chat with fellow audience members.

Rebecca Mordan, creative director of Scary Little Girls said: “We’ve always said it’s an empirical fact that feminists have the best sex and we are using throbbing, electro-pop and gleeful, musical romps to lay out why and how porn ruins this – and what we can do to reclaim our sex lives.

“Our show uses a cabaret format to pack a powerful political punch, while the wrap-around activities create a safe space for conversation, connection and creative response.”

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said: “Through our Good Growth Investment Plan, we want to build on Cornwall’s strong theatre and performing arts industry, reach new audiences and involve our communities in producing and enjoying the very best cultural offer that our established and admired organisations deliver.”  

This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Mayven Festival Cornwall is part of a body of artistic work including festivals, tours and new commissions Scary Little Girls are set to deliver until April 2025 with the £296,200 grant from the UK Government, received through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which is part of a £4.4m investment in a cultural events and talent programme across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Cornwall Council has been chosen by the Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Find full details of the Riot Showgrrrls Club performances here:


Lauren Webb